2010년 3월 22일 월요일


Not only most tourists but also many Koreans love Bulgogi. It is sweet and juicy and also it takes short time to make this delicious one. That is why Bulgogi is ranked at the first place in the Korean food contest. When people eat Bulgogi, they often wrap it with lettuce, sesame leaves or other leaves. It brings more genuine taste and much nutrition when it compares to having only Bulgogi. From these reasons, as we are served with Bulgogi, we may be no more hungry, nutritionally and delightedly.

- Preparation Time : 30 minutes / - Cooking Time : 15 minutes
- Serving size: 3 people

▷ Ingredients

600g thin sliced tenderloin of beef
300g washed lettuce and sesame leaves
12 garlics, 6 mushrooms
1 green pepper, 1/2 large onion
3Ts sugar, 2Ts sesame oil

- Marinade
4Ts soy sauce,
4Ts chopped leek,
1ts chopped garlic,
2Ts ground sesame,
2Ts refined rice wine or coke, ground pepper

▷ Recipe

1. Remove aged leaves and wash well. Cut into 5 cm length.

2. Slice mushrooms, green pepper, onion and garlic.

3. Mix sliced tenderloin with sugar and sesame oil.

4. Combine soy sauce, chopped leek, chopped garlic, ground sesame, refined rice wine (or coke) and mix well in a bowl.

5. Move tenderloin into the bowl and marinate for 30minutes.

6. Preheat a large frying pan (or a grill) to moderately hot.
Add marinated loin on the pan, gradually.

7. Add sliced vegetables on the pan.

8. Cook over medium heat 2 minutes each side or until lightly golden.

9. Serve with lettuce and sesame leaves.

※ The Korean eating way is to wrap up bulgogi and grilled vegetables in lettuce or sesame leaves.

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